One hundred fifty years. That’s a long time! Countless volumes of history have been written about the past 150 years of life! One hundred fifty years ago, our nation had just emerged from a bloody Civil War that claimed the lives of 650,000 Americans – we were a nation still in tatters. Right here in this part of the world, strong leaders continued to believe that God wasn’t at all finished and that healing of our nation could happen and that God would be lifted up. The Morris family was among the boldest for their offer to provide a worship place. This place became a contagious place to be and continued to thrive navigating many cultural transitions and changes through the years.
Church experts say that the life cycle of a Church is about 50 years. A church is born, grows, plateaus, declines and dies UNLESS it can introduce something new in the cycle. The really good news is that Morris Chapel has managed to introduce something new for three different cycles! The Church is strong today because it has figured out that it must stay fresh while maintaining a firm footing on foundations of our faith.
Morris Chapel United Methodist Church is 150 years old, which means that three “50 year cycles” are behind us. One hundred fifty years is something to celebrate and we intend to do just that during this coming year! Keep your eyes peeled for other events and observances.
We kicked the 150 celebration off with four worship opportunities (in addition to our usual services) held during the week of September 15-21. At each of these services, we heard from a former Pastors of Morris Chapel. They were as follows:
Sunday, September 15 at 6:30 p.m. with the Rev. Tom Gibson spoke
Monday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. with the Rev. Hal Schwantes spoke
Wednesday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m. with the Rev. Steve Autrey spoke
Saturday, September 21 at 5:30 p.m. with the Rev. Fred Jordan spoke
Refreshments were served nightly following the 6:30 services and a covered dish meal followed the 150th celebration service on September 21st.
Oh, one more thing; Morris Chapel has been through a “50 year cycle” 3 times. What will we do to kick off the next 50 year cycle? What will God do here through us? How will we bless our community for the next 50 years? How will our decisions now insure that 150 years from now, Morris Chapel will be alive and well? Let's get started and work on these things together!
I am glad to be your Pastor and excited for what lies ahead!
Pastor Jeff

We had a wonderful faith-filled service on Saturday, September 21st to celebrate 150 years of ministry at Morris Chapel UMC. Below is a video from the presentation.